Writer Research

Madeleine Freund is an art historian, independent curator and editor currently based in Munich and Berlin. Working on establishing new contexts in contemporary art dealing with the body as medium, feminist and alternative forms of subjectivity and representation, political theory and artistic activism, with a particular interest in time-based media, film and performance art.
With ten years of experience in international exhibition production and public relations, past projects include: Body Care, Vienna (2022), Poetics of Reality (encoded) at max goelitz, Munich (2021), The Architecture Of exhibition trilogy at BNKR, Munich (2020–2022), Walking Through Walls at Gropius Bau, Berlin (2019). Previously, she was part of the curatorial and communications team at Thaddaeus Ropac and worked in the cultural engagement department at Louis Vuitton Germany. Her art criticism is regularly published in magazines and she writes essays for monographs and catalogs.

In November 2023, Madeleine Freund submitted her PhD to the University of Art and Design Linz, Austria, focusing on body politics in performance and media art from the 1960s to present. She holds a master’s degree in art history and philosophy from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany, and the Venice International University, Italy.